
更新时间:2012-01-29 00:00:00 来源:greenindustry 作者: 浏览:1679次 评论:0




Hydro-Gear液压传动和电力驱动系统的生产商是第一家获得约翰迪尔如此荣誉的从事液压传动系统的生产商。Hydro-Gear 的董事长Ray Hauser表示:“约翰迪尔是我们行业内最富盛名的公司。为得到约翰迪尔最高供应商等级的荣誉,我们的员工付出了诸多努力和奉献。Hydro-Gear20年来已经发明了许多卓越的产品,并且一直为客户献出忠实的服务。能被约翰迪尔认可且获得高度评价我们深感自豪。作为一个公司,我们将继续加强与约翰迪尔的合作。”


John Deere Announces Hydro-Gear as Partner Level Status

Hydro-Gear, located in Sullivan, IL, was recently recognized by John Deere for achieving its Partner level supplier status in Deere’s Achieving Excellence program. This prestigious award, the highest level in Deere’s program, is presented to less than 5% of Deere’s global suppliers. The recipients of the award are recognized for exceeding John Deere’s performance standards for delivery, quality, technical support, wavelength (relationships), and cost management.

Hydro-Gear, manufacturer of hydrostatic and electric drive systems, is the first hydrostatic transmission manufacturer to ever receive this important award from John Deere Horicon. Ray Hauser, president of Hydro-Gear, stated, “John Deere is a highly respected organization in our industry. To receive John Deere’s highest supplier rating validates the hard work and dedication of our employees. Hydro-Gear has been delivering outstanding products and service to its customers for more than 20 years. To be formally acknowledged by a company of John Deere’s stature is quite an honor. As a company, we look forward to continuing our relationship with John Deere in the future.”


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