
更新时间:2012-02-17 00:00:00 来源:灌溉网-Greenindustry 作者: 浏览:1459次 评论:0

导读:托罗公司收购了Astec Underground Inc.地下管线的部分资产,此资产来自于Astec Underground Inc.的全资附属公司,此次收购的详细条款尚未公开。通过收购,托罗已经获得Astec Underground的振动犁设备、挖沟机和水平定向钻孔器的生产线。这些设备通常用在地下设施市场..

托罗公司收购了Astec Underground Inc.地下管线的部分资产,此资产来自于Astec Underground Inc.的全资附属公司,此次收购的详细条款尚未公开。

通过收购,托罗已经获得Astec Underground的振动犁设备、挖沟机和水平定向钻孔器的生产线。这些设备通常用在地下设施市场周围的园林或相关建设上,用来安装、维修以及更换,这些产品都是专门为电力配送,电信,公用事业公司,以及园林和灌溉承包商设计的。

托罗Sitework Systems的总经理Rick Rodier说:“此次收购有助于进一步提升托罗产品在园林和地面市场的存在地位,随着产品的不断供应成为一个新的类别接近我们公司的核心业务,罗迪耶说:“地下公用设施的空间,代表了我们现在没有竞争的市场,但我们相信,这些新类别为推动全球市场份额的增长提供了巨大的机会。”

Toro Entering Underground Utilities Market

The Toro Company has acquired certain utility and underground product assets of Astec Underground Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Astec Industries Inc. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

Through the acquisition, Toro has acquired Astec Underground’s equipment line of vibratory plows, trenchers and horizontal directional drills for the underground utilities market. Typically used in the installation, repair and replacement of utilities with minimal impact on surrounding landscapes or structures, these products are designed for power distribution, telecommunications, utility companies, and landscape and irrigation contractors.

“This acquisition helps further grow Toro’s product presence in the landscape and ground engaging markets, along with providing access to a new category close to our core businesses,” said, general manager of Toro’s Business. “The under ground utilities space represents a market in which we don’t compete today, but one we believe provides great opportunity to drive global share growth in these new categories.”


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