更新时间:2010-09-07 00:00:00 来源:灌溉网 作者: 浏览:1530次 评论:0条
导读: 将于2010年12月5日至12月7日在美国亚利桑那州凤凰城举办的美国国际灌溉展,9月8日起开始接受报名。10月20日前报名者享受折扣价。 主要发言人RobertGlennon、资深的水问题顾问、专家和评论员,将在他的发言后携他的著作《如何应对美国水危机》进行现场签名售书..
·美国农业生物工程师学会(ASABE)第五届国家十周年灌溉大会,同期还将举行90多个技术会议 与会者可以根据展会计划,利用IA新的在线展会功能约见参展商、制定个性化的时间表。 查看更多详细资料或在线报名注册,请访问www.irrigationshow.org
原文如下:Irrigation Show Registration Opens Sept. 8 Registration opens this month for the 2010 Irrigation Show in Phoenix, Dec. 5-7. Early-bird registration at discounted rates will be available until Oct. 20.
Keynote speaker Robert Glennon, a well-respected advisor, contributor and commentator on water issues,will hold a book signing following his general session ddress. Copies of his book Unquenchable: America’s Water Crisis and What to Do
About It will be available for purchase.
The show also will feature:
• More than 20 education classes.
• IA certification exams, including the new Certified Agriculture Water Manager exam.
• ASABE Fifth National Decennial Irrigation Conference, featuring more than 90 technical sessions.
Attendees can explore the show floor plan, make exhibitor appointments and develop a personalized schedule using IA’s new online show planner. For show details and to register, visit www.irrigationshow.org .
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