林赛推出角度定位系统 不规则土地灌溉不是难题
更新时间:2012-09-12 00:00:00 来源:precisionag.com 作者: 浏览:1553次 评论:0条
Zimmatic 产品经理Tanner Hoffman说,这一计算系统可计算出燃油和电力成本、年均增收和达到收支平衡的年限。种植户甚至可以评估出不同作物的投入成本,如玉米、大豆、小麦、棉花和土豆等,该系统将产量和商品价格情况考虑在内。
New Online Calculator Helps Growers Determine ROI Of Installing Custom Corner Irrigation System
A free online calculator that can determine the return on investment for installing a custom corner pivot irrigation system has been released by Lindsay Corp.
Lindsay Corporation, maker of Zimmatic irrigation systems, announces a new online calculator that can be used to determine the return on investment of installing a custom corner pivot irrigation system from Lindsay.
The calculator tabulates the upfront investment of Zimmatic by Lindsay's 9500CC Customer Corner with GPS Corner Guidance.
According to Tanner Hoffman, Zimmatic product manager, the calculator takes into account fuel or electricity cost, the annual revenue increase and years to break-even for the investment. Growers can also evaluate the investment across various crops, including corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton and potatoes, while taking into account yield and commodity price scenarios.
"As land prices, cash rents and commodity prices continue to escalate, this payback calculator uses real conditions and real numbers to help growers determine how an advanced RTK-guided corner irrigation system from Zimmatic could work into their operation and increase profitability on more acres," Hoffman says. "The 9500CC uses the latest technology to push production and profit margins by allowing growers to irrigate more acres on fields with irregular boundaries."
A GPS base station located at the pivot point communicates to the 9500CC's corn arm, providing RTK correction for repeatable path accuracy. SmartChip technology from Lindsay helps determine the best application rate for a custom watering program to eliminate over- or under-watering.
"As global demand increases for food, fiber and fuel, additional pressure is placed on agricultural commodity production. Adding a corner system can bring 20% or more acres into production, without buying or renting additional land," Hoffman says.
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